External Articles

Here are a list of related articles on Lean and Green articles from all over the web. We will be transitioning this page into our Articles section as individual posts.














  • Using control charts to monitor your car by Rick Haynes from Smarter Solutions – In May of 2012, I thought that I noticed a drop in my Gas Mileage, so that I decided to keep a close watch on it. When it did not seem to change as it cooled a bit, I plotted the data in an individuals chart and noted an apparent process change…12/4/12
  • The top 3 myths about going sustainable by Kristen Joiner – The top 3 reasons why focusing on sustainability can seem implausible, and then a few observations that might help you shift your perception of the challenge…8/26/12
  • Green objectives in value stream map by Jaap – Green Value Stream Mapping is not on the business agenda yet. This is a missed opportunity, since the demand for green processes and products by the customers will steadily increase…8/14/12
  • IBM Establishes Green Sigma Coalition – It combines real-time metering and monitoring with advanced analytics and dashboards that allow clients to make better decisions that improve efficiency, lower costs and reduce environmental impact…7/29/12
  • IBM uses Six Sigma to help public cut energy, waste – They launched a consulting service to help government organizations analyze energy and water use, assess waste management, evaluate overall environmental impact and develop improvement strategies….7/28/2012
  • Zero landfill underscores zero-VOC achievement by Kate Bachman – Purdy Professional Painting Tools achieved zero-waste-to-landfill, to complement their zero-VOC paints, using dumpster dives to assess the waste streams…7/20/12
  • Being Lean Means Going Green by SME – Lean thinking comes together with the need to “go green” (be that in the conservation of energy and resources or the reduction of carbon emissions)…7/2/12
  • Becoming Carbon Neutral by Microsoft – A summary of their strategy to reduce their environmental footprint and achieve carbon neutrality using three strategic pillars: be lean, be green, and be accountable…6/1/12
  • Leaner and Greener by Enterprise Minnesota – Instilling green and lean as cultural cornerstones helps manufacturers realize significant savings, attract top talent and keep one step ahead of the competition…6/1/12
  • How to Save Money on Your Company’s Energy Bill by Industry Week – a cost-effective way to analyze energy usage and identify opportunities for improvement, called energy kaizens, along with a list of common issues to look for…3/2/12
  • Is There a Leaner Way to Footprint? by Kumar Venkat – Tesco has dropped their carbon labels, so the exercise of footprinting products and organizations needs to be rethought, using lean process improvement…2/21/12
  • Lean Manufacturing is Green Manufacturing by Sarah Webster of Manufacturing Engineering magazine – The next waste under attack in lean manufacturing is energy. It’s not just because “being green” is in vogue for marketers, either…2/1/12
  • DNREC Goes Lean – by Larry Nagengast – Delaware’s DNR used lean to fix a cumbersome process for approving air-quality permits that was slowing down businesses and diverting the department’s experts away from monitoring air quality…1/1/12
  • City of Coppell First Texas Municipality Registered to ISO 14000 by TMAC – The city was the first certified/registered Environmental Management System (EMS) developed by a municipality in the state of Texas…1/1/12


  • Green is the new gold for Wisconsin manufacturers by Buckley Brinkman – A new report on an innovative pilot program to promote sustainable manufacturing in Wisconsin validates the premise that “green is the new gold” for state manufacturers, and reveals the stellar financial and environmental benefits that can be achieved with sustainable practices…7/26/11
  • Zero-waste-to-landfill Challenge excerpt from Denise Coogan safety & environmental compliance manager, for Subaru of Indiana Automotive – The following is excerpted from Denise’s presentation at the Green Manufacturer Network’s Take on the Zero-waste-to-landfill Challenge, held at Subaru of Indiana Automotive, where they achieved zero landfill in 2004…5/18/11
  • A Lean and Green Kaizen Model by Andrea Pampanelli, Environmental Manager at GKN – GKN Driveline in Brazil developed a pilot Lean & Green Model application by using environmental concepts in a stable cell to investigate the benefits this could have for the environment and the business, in terms of waste reduction, improved lead time and greater employee commitment…4/30/11
  • Going Green and Going Bananas by Ian Gotts from Nimbus – To go “Green” requires changes to how people work, interact and use technology. He argues there are both business and environmental benefits to cloud computing…4/18/11
  • There’s a Green Monster in the Boardroom by Diana Davis from the PEX Network – The environment used to be anathema to the boardroom, and the costs of tackling things like carbon emissions were considered an expensive burden on the economy. Now, it seems, companies are willingly starting to tackle some of the issues themselves….04/01/11
  • ‘Lean and Green’ featured at 2011 Eco-Conference by Jason Schulist from DTE Energy – Summary of a presentation where he discussed how to use Lean and Six Sigma to foster sustainability within an organization, and how Lean Six Sigma can drive progress and sustainability as well as be adapted and extended to meet social and environmental bottom lines…2/7/11
  • Lean is Green by Tim McMahon – Not only can lean and green lead to energy savings, productivity savings, and savings from improved utilization of materials, but it can also lead to innovations that involve creation of new products out of waste materials….1/1/11
  • Lean is the Means to be Green by Tim McMahon – Sustainability expands the definition of waste to include the wider range of consequences of business actions including environmental and social consequences. Lean processes are inherently less wasteful and in this sense promoting lean processes can help organizations become more sustainable….1/1/11





  • Food Chain Centre proves benefits of lean thinking by Rick Pendrous – Twenty-five projects involving farmers and processors set up using Lean production techniques reported savings of £14.4M over the past five years…11/26/07
  • Continuous Improvement Gets a Green Makeover by Brad Kenney from Industry Week – Reducing waste, emissions and pollution is simply good business. How green is just a new twist on the old game of continuous improvement…11/15/07
  • Lean Manufacturing, the Environment and the Bottom Line by Mitch Kidwell – Environmental concerns are a part of the lean concept. Emissions to air and water, as well as the generation of solid/hazardous waste, represent a waste of production (that is, no value to the customer), just as surely as the need for protective equipment (such as gloves and ear plugs) is, and that eventually lean would address them…3/26/07
  • Applying Lean Thinking to the Fresh Produce Industry by Food Chain Centre – The fresh produce industry collectively – growers, processors and their customers in retail and food service are wasting £400m. These savings could be reduced by applying lean techniques suggested in this research paper…1/1/2007




  • Lean and Green by Jon Miller – One of my greatest personal ‘a-ha’ moments on the tour was in learning what leading Lean companies in Japan are doing to reduce waste through environmental management and energy conservation….9/6/2004


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